Talk anything about Sikhi that's on your mind and see what others think. When you register with the GSC forum you can join in with topics, start new topics and generally be a part of the first level of our community.
9 Discussion
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Community Events and CelebrationsAnnounce and discuss upcoming Sikh festivals, events, and celebrations.
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Current AffairsEngage in conversations about current events and news stories relevant to Sikhs.
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Dasam GranthDo you believe in it? Yes or NO? Why so?
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Future of Sikhi & SikhsSikhi over the next 5, 10, 20, and 50 years plans with the collective efforts of the entire Sikh community, its leaders, and those committed to preserving and promoting Sikhi.
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GSC SeminarsGlobal Sikh Council Seminars
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Health and WellnessDiscuss topics related to physical and mental health, with a focus on practices that align with Sikh values.
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Inspiring Sikh StoriesShare stories of Sikh individuals who have made a positive impact on their communities or the world.
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Interfaith DialoguesEngage in conversations about Sikhism's relationship with other religions and its contributions to interfaith harmony.
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Sikh Advocacy and ActivismExplore efforts and initiatives related to Sikh advocacy, human rights, and social justice.
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Sikh Art and CultureShare and appreciate Sikh art, music, literature, and cultural traditions.
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Sikh Artifacts and AntiquesShare and discuss Sikh artifacts, historical items, and collectibles.
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Sikh Community and Social IssuesDiscuss issues affecting the Sikh community, both locally and globally.
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Sikh CuisineShare recipes, cooking tips, and stories related to Sikh cuisine.
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Sikh DiasporaTalk about the experiences and challenges faced by Sikhs living outside of Punjab, including issues related to assimilation and cultural preservation.
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Sikh HistoryDelve into the history of Sikh Gurus, Sikh Empire, and important historical events that have shaped Sikhism.
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Sikh IdentityExplore topics related to Sikh identity, including the significance of the Five Ks (Kesh, Kara, Kanga, Kachera, Kirpan).
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Sikh Literature and PoetryShare and analyze Sikh literature, including the works of Sikh poets and scholars.
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Sikh Philosophy and TeachingsDiscuss the core principles of Sikhism, including concepts like oneness, equality, and service.
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Sikh Practices and RitualsDiscuss the various religious practices, ceremonies, and rituals followed by Sikhs including RehatMaryada, Khande bate di Pahul,
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Sikh SpiritualityDiscuss meditation, mindfulness, and personal spiritual experiences within Sikhism.
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Sikh Youth and EducationAddress the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Sikh youth, as well as educational resources available to them.
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Sri Guru Granth SahibExplore the teachings and messages found in the Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism.
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