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Community Events and CelebrationsAnnounce and discuss upcoming Sikh festivals, events, and celebrations.
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Current AffairsEngage in conversations about current events and news stories relevant to Sikhs.
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Dasam GranthDo you believe in it? Yes or NO? Why so?
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Future of Sikhi & SikhsSikhi over the next 5, 10, 20, and 50 years plans with the collective efforts of the entire Sikh community, its leaders, and those committed to preserving and promoting Sikhi.
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GSC SeminarsGlobal Sikh Council Seminars
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Health and WellnessDiscuss topics related to physical and mental health, with a focus on practices that align with Sikh values.
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Inspiring Sikh StoriesShare stories of Sikh individuals who have made a positive impact on their communities or the world.
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Interfaith DialoguesEngage in conversations about Sikhism's relationship with other religions and its contributions to interfaith harmony.
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Sikh Advocacy and ActivismExplore efforts and initiatives related to Sikh advocacy, human rights, and social justice.
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Sikh Art and CultureShare and appreciate Sikh art, music, literature, and cultural traditions.
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Sikh Artifacts and AntiquesShare and discuss Sikh artifacts, historical items, and collectibles.
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Sikh Community and Social IssuesDiscuss issues affecting the Sikh community, both locally and globally.
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Sikh CuisineShare recipes, cooking tips, and stories related to Sikh cuisine.
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Sikh DiasporaTalk about the experiences and challenges faced by Sikhs living outside of Punjab, including issues related to assimilation and cultural preservation.
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Sikh HistoryDelve into the history of Sikh Gurus, Sikh Empire, and important historical events that have shaped Sikhism.
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Sikh IdentityExplore topics related to Sikh identity, including the significance of the Five Ks (Kesh, Kara, Kanga, Kachera, Kirpan).
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Sikh Literature and PoetryShare and analyze Sikh literature, including the works of Sikh poets and scholars.
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Sikh Philosophy and TeachingsDiscuss the core principles of Sikhism, including concepts like oneness, equality, and service.
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Sikh Practices and RitualsDiscuss the various religious practices, ceremonies, and rituals followed by Sikhs including RehatMaryada, Khande bate di Pahul,
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Sikh SpiritualityDiscuss meditation, mindfulness, and personal spiritual experiences within Sikhism.
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Sikh Youth and EducationAddress the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Sikh youth, as well as educational resources available to them.
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Sri Guru Granth SahibExplore the teachings and messages found in the Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism.
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